Shaqir Hussyin - Special invitation to subscribers - Over 250,000 people invited here, limited spots available.
How to Make 6-Figures Per Year From Home
(Or While Traveling The World)
Results shown are not typical. See the earnings disclosure here.
100% risk-free.
Dear Friend...

Hey, it’s Shaqir Hussyin here,
Author, Backpack Millionaire…

Today, I’m excited to share with you this exciting brand new invitation from my good friends Carolina Millan (middle) and Matt Lloyd (right hand side), like myself Carolina is like a globe trotting expert…. and we've spoken together all over the world on various stages to audiences teaching them...

I just got notified from Matt - the creator behind this system is now opening up more spots for you, and he asked me since I’ve already made over $4.5Million in commissions if I would share this INSPIRING STORY from Carolina Milan with my subscribers, followers and fans on the Internet…

This is why I'm writing to you as I've got Carolina to share a special message to all my readers to take action today...

Special Message from: Carolina Millan.

Just a few short years ago, I was struggling financially and living paycheck to paycheck in my home country of Chile.

Fast forward to today, and I have made over $700,000 in the last 5 years through an amazing system called the Laptop Lifestyle System.

Here is a screenshot of my income: (100% Verified)
Results shown are not typical. See the earnings disclosure here.
This system has allowed me to escape the rat race and gain financial freedom.

But just as important, it’s allowed me to live a life of passion and purpose, help my family, travel the world, and teach others to be entrepreneurs like me.

In the last 5 years, I have been to 26 countries, averaged 6-figures per year, and had my dream car paid for … and I’ve done it all working from my laptop.

What is my secret?

In one word, it’s …
I found a company that handles product fulfillment, sales, website design, customer service, and merchant processing for me.

This company works with regular people (like you), gives you a coach to teach you their Laptop Lifestyle System, and shows you how to find leads.

All you have to do is find leads–which I do mostly through free social media–and they do the rest.
  •      They build the websites you send leads to
  •      They process payments and handle customer service
  •      They create the products and sales funnels
  •      Their phone sales team closes your leads into high-ticket programs
And for every sale they close, you get paid a big commission.

Depending on the program they sell, you can make $1,250 … $3,300 … or $5,500 per sale!
You Get Paid $1,250 … $3,300 … or $5,500 Per Sale
(Just For Finding Leads)!
Now, here’s where you come in.

This company is currently looking for more more people to bring them leads.

If accepted, they will let you leverage their sales system, and pay you commissions when they sell programs to your leads.

If that sounds interesting, then read this entire letter, because I’ll tell you how to get involved with them through the Laptop Lifestyle System.
But first I want to paint a picture of what my life was like before I found this opportunity.

Unfortunately, my financial situation wasn’t good.

(Some of you reading this can probably relate.)

After studying Business Management at university, I got my first job in Human Resources, and tasted what it was like to be a “paid slave.”

There were limited vacations, a strict work schedule, and other people decided my worth and told me what to do.
I had to ask for permission for everything, even getting sick!

I remember lying to my boss once, telling him I had a doctor’s appointment, just so I could sleep in and get to work a couple hours late.

And worst of all, the pay wasn’t even that good.

I made the equivalent of about $1,000 US dollars per month, which was just enough to get by.
6 months in, and I realized the job wasn’t going to work for me. I’m somewhat of a free spirit, and I needed something with more freedom and opportunity for growth.
So, I tried to be an entrepreneur.

I joined an MLM opportunity, but failed miserably.

Then, I tried being a social media consultant, but found out that running my own business was much harder than I anticipated.

I struggled to get clients, and barely made enough income to get by. I had a mortgage and bills piling up, and no idea how I was going to continue paying them.

Then one day, everything changed.

The turning point was when I found a company that would do a lot of the “grunt work” of running a business for me.

They had the products, websites, employees, bookkeepers, and everything else I didn’t know how (or want) to do.

I could leverage their systems, but stay independent as an entrepreneur and get paid a commission (not a salary).

It was the best of both worlds!

And it opened the entire global market to me.

I was no longer limited to Chile or even South America. I could find leads from all over the world (without seeing them in person) and get paid in US dollars.

Now, my average annual income is over 6 times the average salary in Chile!

And it’s all because of one phone call in early 2012.
The Phone Call That Changed My Life Forever
On this call, I spoke to a representative from this company for about an hour.

He explained everything about their sales system and answered all my questions.

He was very helpful, and not pushy at all.

I saw the value in this company’s training and systems, and could tell they genuinely cared about partnering with people like me and helping them become successful entrepreneurs.

So, I took a leap of faith and joined the Laptop Lifestyle System.
After joining, I was immediately introduced to my coach, who gave me incredible support, and taught me the skills I needed to get results.

With my coach by my side, I knew I wasn’t alone.

He was there to guide me, encourage me, and push me when I needed it.

Also, I was excited to discover that there was a community of like-minded people using this system and supporting one another.

At the time this community was large, but it’s continued to grow even larger and now includes people from over 37 countries of different ages and backgrounds.

The common thread is that we all have a desire to create financial freedom on our own terms.

And that’s exactly what I’ve done.

Within 18 months of joining, I had earned $80,000, and my income has continued to grow ever since.

To date, I’ve made over $700,000 in commissions!

It took some dedicated work to do this but working is normal for every entrepreneurial endeavor.

But, it’s not just the money …
Living a Life of Passion and Purpose
I get to work when and where I want to, and live a life of passion and purpose.

I also get to contribute to causes I believe in, and help others, including my mother.

In fact, the same year I started using this system, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. With part of the money I was making, I was able to pay for several therapies for her.

That was huge for me (and her)!

To this day, I continue to help my parents, and sometimes spoil them with gifts and trips.

But more importantly, I get to see them and be there when they need me, because I’m not tied down to an office job.

I have also been invited to speak at conferences around the world and share my knowledge with others.
To date, I’ve been to 26 countries including France, Great Britain, Scotland, Iceland, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Canada, the U.S., Costa Rica, the Bahamas, and more!
I’ve had amazing experiences, like swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas, hugging a koala and petting a kangaroo in Australia, zip-lining in Roatan, seeing my favorite band Muse perform, visiting medieval castles in France, and so much more!

I’ve also met some of my heroes including Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins, and Grant Cardone, and grown personally as I’ve had time to invest in myself, learn, and have new experiences.

There are also other perks …
  You Can Get Your Dream Car Paid For!
This company has an excellent rewards program, where they pay for your dream car. My current car is this beautiful Mercedes Benz.

Now, this is actually my third car through them, and it’s been an amazing experience.

When you achieve a certain level of results, this company will reward you every month with a bonus for you to pick out the car of your dreams.
They also have a Vacation Points program, where they pay for you to stay at luxury resorts in tropical locations around the world like Costa Rica.

Honestly, my life has not been the same since joining the Laptop Lifestyle System.

And it can be a turning point for you too.
If you apply this system:
  •   You can escape the rat race and kiss your job and “money problems” goodbye forever
  •   You will have freedom over your time, and be able to invest in yourself and grow professionally and personally
  •   You can enjoy some of the nicer things in life, like luxury cars and 5-star resorts
  •   You can make up to $100,000 (or more) per year while working from home, or traveling the world
  •   You can help your family, contribute to charities, or put money away for retirement
The Laptop Lifestyle System can do all of this for you (and more), but I want to point out that this does take work.
I enjoy doing it, but it takes work to find leads. I’ve put the time into building my business, and your success depends on how much time and effort you’re willing to put in.

But, if you do put in the work, the results can be amazing.

In fact, as of the date of this letter, people have earned over $103 million in commissions with this system!
Other Success Stories Already Using This System...
Let me tell you about a few of the others who have had success with this program, but before I do please remember that these are extraordinary results. For typical results see the income disclosure document here.

Chris and Susan Beesley,
former accountants from the U.K., have made over $200,000!

Celine Joly, a stay at home mom from France has made over $80,000 working from home.

Paul O’Mahony from Dublin, left the corporate job and has made over $530,000.

Jill Veverka, a retired school teacher has made over $150,000 in commissions.

Dr. Janrus Abello, a surgeon based in the Philippines has made over $50,000 with this system.

Dmitry Badiarov, a Russian violin maker & musician living in The Netherlands, has made $14,000.

Cynthia Nataline, a vlogger from Indonesia has made over $200,000.

Carol Douthitt, from Indiana, has made over $48,445 in her first 3 months.

Rossana Tello, a Peruvian native from the Andes Mountains has made $250,000.

Georg Kerschhackl from Italy, gained financial freedom earning $200,000 to date.

Results shown are not typical. See the earnings disclosure here.
And many more …

Who knows, you could be the next success story, but you must take the first step and join today.

When you do, you’ll get everything below.
Here’s Everything You Get
A proven sales system that deposits commissions into your bank account every two weeks!
Done for you product fulfillment, payment processing, and customer service.
Insider access to powerful sales funnels that sell high-quality programs to your leads!
A simple 21-step training program that shows you how to send leads and earn up to $20,000 per customer (even if you have no computer skills).
A professional phone sales team, that closes high-tickets sales for you (so you never have to sell anything yourself)
Daily training lessons, videos, and webinars.
But, this company’s success is tied to yours.
The more leads you send them, the more sales they make, which benefits everyone.

So, for that reason, you won’t pay $1,000.

Or $500.

Or even $250.

Your one-time investment today is only a small application fee of $49.

That’s it.
This small investment will get you instant access to everything we talked about today, including your 21 steps training area, and your personal coach.

$49 is NOTHING compared to how much money you can make with this.

Remember, I’ve made over $700,000 and in total, this company has paid out over $103 million to people all over the world.

There’s just one catch …
This Opportunity Will Not Last Forever
This company may decide to discontinue this offer or raise the application fee at any time.

So, take advantage of this now.

After you submit the fee, you’ll be put in touch with your coach, who will ask you
a few simple questions to make sure you’re a good fit.

You will not be sold anything on this call.

Think of it as a friendly interview.

If you decide the program is not for you, no problem … they will refund your $49 on the spot.

If you and your coach decide you’re a good fit, then you’re in.

Once accepted, you’ll get Instant Access to your training area, and your coach will be assigned according to your time zone.

This company has coaches in the U.K., U.S., Australia, and most places in between.

And if you have any reservations, you don’t need to worry, because this comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Your No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee
If you aren’t accepted, then you’ll get an immediate refund of your $49.

In addition to that, you have a full 30 days to try the Laptop Lifestyle System risk-free.

If for any reason at all, it’s not what you were looking for, just let your coach or the support team know and you’ll get a full refund of your $49. No questions asked.

But, once you start making this system work for you, I’m sure refunding will be the last thing on your mind.

So, at this point, the only thing left for you to do is apply.
Here’s What I Want You to Do Next
Click the button below to apply now.

You’re just one step away from changing your life and your financial future forever.

Don’t delay …

Click the button below now to get started.
To Your Success,
Carolina Millan
P.S. Nothing in life changes unless you make it happen. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t taken a leap of faith, and joined this system despite my fears. Don’t let your fears–or the fears of other people around you–hold you back. Join the Laptop Lifestyle System today. It's Risk-Free and you have nothing to lose.
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